Filed under: Art, Politics
So does Shepard Fairey.
You rebel you. Barack’s an all right guy, though I’m still holding out for my Stewart/Colbert ’08 Ticket.
Have you seen the newest Will I Am Barack video?
Try this site, see how intelligent you are and fee some people ! Barack is the hope for old hippies, idealists and the future!
Obama is ‘aight…’ but if you want real change you gotta vote prohibition.
[…] Shepard Fairey designed Obama is quickly becoming the iconic image of this election (posted here back in Feb). It is definitely all over LA and I am guessing most of Obama country. A local hair […]
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You rebel you. Barack’s an all right guy, though I’m still holding out for my Stewart/Colbert ’08 Ticket.
Have you seen the newest Will I Am Barack video?
Try this site, see how intelligent you are and fee some people !
Barack is the hope for old hippies, idealists and the future!
Obama is ‘aight…’ but if you want real change you gotta vote prohibition.
[…] Shepard Fairey designed Obama is quickly becoming the iconic image of this election (posted here back in Feb). It is definitely all over LA and I am guessing most of Obama country. A local hair […]