Mini-Review: Happy-Go-Lucky
What do you get when you spend 2 hours just kinda following around an especially happy preschool teacher? Meh, turns out you get a pretty boring movie. Writer/director Mike Leigh (Vera Drake, Topsy-Turvy) seems to have just about completely forgotten to insert a plot. We just follow around the almost manically happy Poppy as she hangs with her friends, takes driving lessons, goes to the chiropractor, etc. etc. When the story is really in need of a love connection, whoop! a charming and handsome man appears. Wait we need an antagonist – okay make the driving instructor a real asshole. But WHY? What is the point of any of it? Polly’s character doesn’t change one iota from the beginning of the film to the end. Sure things happen to her, but the protagonist needs to grow. Sally Hawkins does a fine job as Polly but I couldn’t shake the feeling that everyone in this film is just doing their shtick. That’s pretty much all their is here – a bunch of random scenes of English actors doing their shticks. Enjoy!