Well let's try this out. If you have ever uploaded an avatar it will show up here. Lay claim to it in your own post and I will remove the image from this post (not the server). Uploaded avatars end up here: http://enderzero.net/forum/images/avatars/ with a funky filename. Uploaded avatars have a 13KB size limit so if yours was bigger and linked to from off site then throw it up on your server or give it to me and I will upload it. I recommend against linking to offsite avatars that are not on your own server because they are unreliable and steal bandwidth from that server everytime the forum is loaded which is annoying and generally frowned upon.
Here is what is in the avatar directory now:
Agent Bos - 6/23/03
Agent Bos - 3/10/03
Agent Bos - 5/22/04
ClownA$$ - 4/13/04
db?? - 4/12/04
bigshit - 5/26/04
some Sigma Team infiltrator - 3/27/03
nizik20 - 1/1/04
Goemon - 6/23/04
Ocean11 - 4/6/04
mikazooki - 2/13/04
ed9k - 5/20/04
nekobi - 3/18/03
?? - 3/18/04
MizThang - 10/02/04
Grenzo?? (one of Ben's) - 4/16/03
?? 4/29/03
spidermonkey 3/31/03
*** found these ***
spidermonkey - 4/29/04
J3RK - 4/29/03
l2icks0r! - 3/27/04
***Some of these started disappearing - so I moved em around a bit***
Last edited by enderzero on Tue Jun 29, 2004 7:11 pm, edited 2 times in total.
My original "slashing Goemon" is on my comatose laptop (whose brain will soon be transplanted to a new Dell the Funky Lattitude600). I'll post it post haste.
Some others include:
The Kneehigh Park Trashman:
The Atari Adventure Dragon/Fhqwhgads:
(also currently residing on my near-death laptop)
The honorable Kevin Karplus (deceased):
Gleek (the world renowned "Third Wonder Twin"):
Currently rocking the mascot for Monkey Picked Tea:
Last edited by Goemon on Mon Aug 23, 2004 7:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
uploaded avatars end up here: http://forum.enderzero.net/images/avatars
but then they started dissappearing so I started copying them to http://forum.enderzero.net/images/avatars/backup
So for now grab them out of the second one (you can see a web dir structure if you go to the url with dates).
I see the gundam, but not John Edwards.
ohhh, how confusing. That's why this is still in beta.