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The Official GBA/DS Thread. [was Damn Right!!!!]
Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 7:52 pm
by R3C
Got me up one-a-them blue DSes, and a copy of Dawn of Sorrow.
No time. Gotta try it out.

Posted: Wed Oct 26, 2005 9:44 pm
by R3C
Ok, I have one dead pixel on the top screen. Going to take it back tomorrow and exchange it. My GBA flash card works great (for GBA games.) I have a compatible WiFi adapter, so I can load things onto it with wireless.

There are SD card adapters available for cheap, so I'm all set.
The screens are very nice. The backlighting makes a HUGE difference over the ol' front light on the GBA SP. Touch screen works well. I've only used the sylus with it. Don't want it all smudged or scratched. I wish the protector things were good. I hear they suck. I may try one anyway. If I can get replacement crystals for it though, I'll order a few just in case. (not sure how that works with touch-screens though, (not sure if you can replace them)) Well, I'm quite happy with it.
Castlevania is incredibly cool (I'd go so far as to say it's better than SotN. (Or at least as good.)) Graphics are amazing, lots of scrolling layers, among other fancy bits. I recommend it highly!!!
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 9:36 am
by R3C
So, as the name Dawn of Sorrow implies, this CVania game is a continuation on the Soma Cruz story from Aria of Sorrow. Gameplay is similar in that you can have MANY different weapons and soul powers to equip. That's why I liked AoS so much. You could use a classic whip-style weapon, but you can also use swords, maces, axes, spears, etc. There is a somewhat gimmicky "magical seal" aspect added to the game. You use the stylus (or finger I suppose) to create/destroy magic seals to open locked doors, and finish off certain enemies. It pops up a little circle, and you have to connect points in a certain order to make the seal. For example say a seal needed a pentagram shape. It would pop up the circle with five points, and you'd take the stylus and whip it around to each point making the shape. It's kinda weird, but it's new and different, so the gimmick works for me. I LOVE having the map and status on the top screen. This is incredibly handy. (You still equip Soma using the bottom screen though, which is fine because the game is paused when you do this anyway.) Again, I can't say enough good things about the graphics. I figured it would look pretty much like AoS (which would have been a good thing even,) but it's much more detailed than that, with much more effects. The backlit screen makes it look better by several times. (I guess you can get a backlit version of the GBA SP now too) I suppose this could have gone in the CVania thread, but oh well.
I'm going to go swap my DS today at lunch for one without dead pixels. I'm very happy with the system. It looks like my wireless nic should work with it to upload games, hacked firmware, and other stuff to my GBA card. I won't even need the SD card adapter to start with, as the hacked firmware allows you to load off of the GBA slot. I won't be able to play DS games this way though. (at least as far as I know) I think you still need one of the little in-line (think Game Genie pass through) things for a real NDS game to plug into to bypass protection. Not a big deal though. They aren't that much money. Just knowing I can run GBA games and emulators this way though is enough for me for now. There aren't a ton of DS games that I actually want right now. (though I wouldn't mind picking up Mario)
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:48 am
by McNevin
I was actually thinking of getting one of those new backlit SPs. Thats cool you got a DS, i am teh jealous. I very much want to play DoS.
That seal system, although i agree is kinda gimmiky, actually sounds pretty cool.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 12:36 pm
by R3C
The price dropped on them a wee bit, and the copying tools are starting to mature, so I figured it was time to do it. I now know why they didn't release a GBA version of DoS. The graphics are quite a bit more complex than I've seen on the GBA. They could have easily stripped out the dual screen/touch screen stuff, but they would have had to rework the graphics quite a bit. I just grabbed a new one, which has no dead pixels. Now I'm happy. I'll have to experiment with it after I've had it a while. I need to research all this WiFi and Flash business quite a bit before I go and do it. I don't want a Nintendo Brick TM.
It looks like a lot of people are very pleased with the GameBoy Micro. I guess despite the screen size, it's very easy to read, it's backlit, and quite a bit more comfortable than the DS. (My hands get really tired on the DS during long plays.)
Speaking of that, the DS is very comfortable, but like the GBASP, the shoulder buttons are a little, oh, how shall I put this.... WONKY!!

(sorry, had to do it) They feel better than the SP, but they're still on the edges, which makes them hard to press while you're using the other buttons.
I think you should wait, and get a DS when you have the $$$. Then when you get up here, we can WiFi them. Also, the SD adapters for them are cheap. Not like the GBA linkers.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 12:49 pm
by R3C
Now I'm just waiting for a C64 emulator that uses the touch screen as the keyboard.
Damn it!
I wonder if anyone is working on one. I'll have to take a peek at my usual locations.
Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2005 10:10 am
by R3C
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:52 am
by McNevin
So... I bought a DS. My friend is having an "everything must go sale" he is trying to buy some expensive gun.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:38 pm
by R3C
Nice!! What's the serial number? I'll tell you how well it will work with a PassMe (pass through card that you can use to bypass protection) I ordered two things. I got an M3 (which is a GBA card that has a socket for compact flash cards) which comes with a PassMe card. Then I also pre-ordered (should be shipping next week,) an MK3, which is a fancier Passme that has an SD slot in it. The MK3 has a ton of cool options and features that the M3 does not. The thing is, if you want to play DS games currently, you have to have a storage medium in the GBA slot to boot the firmware. (Can't boot the FW from the DS slot.) What I'm slowly getting at is, when my MK3 Passme device shows up in a week or two, I may have an extra PassMe device laying around, that will either be VERY cheap or free for you. You'll still either need the old style linker for the GBA slot, or you'll need an M3. There are two versions of the M3, CF and SD. I got the CF because both versions still stick out of the GBA slot slightly, and the only other difference is that the SD one is slightly thinner. (doesn't really matter though since both stick out slightly) Functionally they are the same. Also, the M3 is WAY cheaper than the linkers for the GBA. (because it uses CF for the memory, and a standard CF reader for the PC side) My M3 shows up tomorrow.
The place to order these from is: ... d=gC77H5XY
$90 for the M3 adapter, a PassMe cart, and a bunch of other stuff. It has built-in emulators for popular consoles and portables, it plays movies and audio as well. Here is the official site:
Now, I don't think you'd have any reason to need the MK3 PassMe card, but just in case you want to check it out:
Since you can't boot from it, you still need something in the GBA slot, so you might as well go with the M3 since it includes everything you need.
Good information is found here:
This is the place to find info for emulators, flash cards, etc.
I've been researching the flash devices since they started showing up. The M3 (whether you get the CF version, or wait a few weeks for the SD version) is definitely the way to go. It's versatile, and since it uses CF/SD, you can have unlimited cheap storage (unlike a standard GBA linker cart.) There was some initial talk of slowdowns since CF is generally a bit slower than the NOR Flash that the GBA devices use, but everything is good now. They have a fast 4x DMA mode that reads faster, and if you use Ultra Flash cards: ... 4788421758 (like this one) there are no problems at all. Also remember that CF cards are measured in bytes whereas the GBA carts are measured in bits, so this 512MB card is the same as a 4Gb GBA cart (which doesn't even exist because it would be so expensive)
So anyway, in summary

get your ass to mars... umm... I mean, grab an M3 when you can. We'll be able to trade CF cards and do easy transfers when you get up here.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 12:44 pm
by R3C
Oh, BTW, there are other ways to play DS games, that involve flashing through WiFi, and other weirdness. I find some of these methods to be somewhat unsettling (the ability to turn your DS into a Nintendo Brick TM) and other things that make me a little nervous. (too many steps, limitations, and hassle) The M3 includes everything you need, it's safe, and it gets fairly regular updates. I just like the idea of having an all in one solution that works by itself. A dependency on a wireless network is something I'm not entirely ok with.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 2:20 pm
by R3C
I only see results for WiFiMe, for NU103* but I don't see any fails for it either. I'm assuming it's an older unit? If so, then you probably don't have to worry. The ones people are having problems with are the ones that have the latest firmware installed, (which are generally the ones that come with the Nintendogs packages, (light cyanish, etc.)) If it's an original silver or electric blue one (and some red ones,) it should work fine. There are also some ways around the new firmware too, but if it's got the older FW, you just don't have to worry in the first place. Also, the M3 site says that it works with newer FW, which I have yet to see confirmed, but it's a good sign. Mine is NU115-something-something, and is confirmed to work with PassMe, so I assume your DS will too.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:04 pm
by McNevin
This is a first gen unit i believe, silver. I took a half day, and just got back from gamestop, bought me a copy of Dawn of Sorrow. Woot!
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:10 pm
by enderzero
I wish my GBA flashcart took CF. That stupid thing only has 64MB. 512mbit, c'mon stupid jerXors - it isn't a speed rating. Who am I kidding, it was free.
So now that HoD is more or less done, anyone have some advice on what I should load up on tehGBA for this weekends 14 hour roundtrip to Budapest?
I tried to play Doom/II but the controls drove me crazy. All the damn Mario games are just remakes. I worked forever on Mario Vs. Donkey Kong and then lost my save game and haven't gotten up the patience to go back through it. Not into the kiddy games like Advance Wars and Mega Man Battle Network that everyone seems to love. I tried out Astro Boy but wasn't diggin it.
Anyone played:
Breath of Fire
Phantasy Star Collection
Kirby - Nightmare in Dreamland
Lunar Legend
Mega Man & Bass
Golden Sun
Rayman 3
Fire Emblem
Kingdom Hearts
That is about all that is on my hdd now that looks interesting. Anything new? I want something as good as Castlevania or Metroid damnit!!
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:59 pm
by R3C
If I were you, I'd take the time to get yourself into the Phantasy Star games. They are among the best console-style RPGs ever made. They rival Final Fantasy in all aspects. I don't think the first one is included in the GBA collection. So, if you really want to start at the beginning, grab an SMS emulator for the GBA, and play through it first. There really isn't any reason you HAVE to do that though. Starting at II which was the first 16 bit version, would be just fine.
My XG2 is only 512Mbit which isn't really all that bad for the GBA. It stores more games and emus than I could possibly use at once. You should pick up an M3 too. It works on the GBA and DS.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:01 pm
by McNevin
I have kinda been out of the loop until today, as my GBA-SP was stolen from work.
I am presently trying to get 100% on AoS so that I can continue with DoS. I am at 94.8%
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:02 pm
by R3C
SuperCards are also not bad (for GBA/DS purposes) I prefer the M3, but the SC is cool, cheaper, and has an available SD version. You can get them at
You'd need to pick up a PassMe variant though to play DS games. (So I suppose the price isn't that much better if you need it for the DS.) For GBA though, it's a good option.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 5:06 pm
by R3C
Admiral: Who the fuck would try to steel from Admiral McNevin? Bastards! May they rot in a Sigma Team prison somewhere!
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 7:05 pm
by McNevin
Yes, I hope the new owner of my SP becomes a sigma P.O.W., and they find interesting places to insert acorns into him.
98.4% - Grahm Defeated, heading for the Chaotic Realm.
Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:41 pm
by McNevin
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:48 am
by R3C
Nice! Excellent work Admiral. You're really going to like DoS.
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:52 am
by R3C
My M3 has arrived. I'll be trying it out later today. I'll post when I've tried all the basic things. Still another week or so to wait for the MK3. I have to go look and see what some good DS games are, to try it out with.
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 11:06 am
by McNevin
I really do like DoS! I like the bigger Soma and all the pretty effects on the fire and magical stuffs! The animation looks alot smoother as well.
The DS is rather heavy and bulky though, and it gives me all kinds of cramps and pains in my hands while playing. The shoulder buttons are indeed somewhat "wonky," as you mentioned earlier.
I played the Metroid demo, it was weird, I had trouble playing with a,b,x,y as the head movment, i wanted to un-invert which is weird for me. Its really cool set on the stylus for the head movement, its like mouselook, its just hard to jump with a double tap of the stylus.
I think I might wait for the SD flash cart, are you going to be miffed if we are not flashcart buddies? I have an abundance of SD cards, and no CF cards.
Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2005 5:36 pm
by R3C
Doesn't matter in the least. Xerxes has readers for all media built in. Easy to transfer from one to the other. Plus, my MK3 will have an SD slot.
M3 is bloody NICE!!! You pop the CF card into the PC. You use the little game manager which autopatches the DS game. If you want to update the firmware, you drag it into the root folder on the M3, and when you start up the DS it asks you if you want to update the FW. You can mix any type of files too. Media files, GBA games, DS games. It has a customizable menu system which you can load your own backdrops and other such into. It loads a little slow off this standard old 64MB CF card in standard mode. Haven't tried 4x DMA yet, but I think I'm just going to pick up a 512MB Ultra Flash card. There's not nearly enough room on this old card. VERY happy with this purchase. Admiral, you're going to like the M3. It just plain works, like my XG2 card for the GBA.
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:01 am
by McNevin
Damn... i want one... well... it hopefully wont be too long.
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 9:55 am
by spidermonkey
I went to Ft.St.George the other day, and the store downstairs that used to be the cigarette and candy store is now a store which sells such things as a Turbografx...
This may have something to do with C.vania....
I don't know.
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 10:18 am
by R3C
See if they have a real copy of Rondo of Blood if you go there again. If they do it will be VERY expensive, but I'd consider picking it up.
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 12:51 pm
by R3C
Just tossed Need for Speed Underground 2 on the M3. Quite nice!

I can't believe how silky it is. 64MB is starting to bug me.

I can only have one or two DS games and a couple GBA games at a time on this card. Luckily it's about 50,000 times faster to write a CF card than the old GBA Flash cards. I'm going to go get a new CF card tomorrow.
Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:33 pm
by enderzero

NFS2Underground for DS? Damn. That would be cool. You don't have to shift with the stylus or anything do you?
Posted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:36 am
by R3C

nope. In fact, I just play with the digital pad.
Posted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:21 pm
by R3C