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Starcraft II???
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:31 am
by N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
Anyone get it? I'm thinking about getting it...although I have two perfectly ripe games ready to be consumed as well as one spoiled game. I was never really into Starcraft but It is from Blizzard though so...
Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:59 pm
by R3C
I don't really get along with RTSes. I like them, but I can never make myself devote enough time to them to get to be any good. Warcraft 3 was nice, and Total Annihilation was fun, but once again, I suck. I come up with a cool strategy, but then it takes too long to implement, so someone comes up with a brute force group of grunts, and wipes me out in the peak of strategic implementation. So, I can't wait to see someone else playing Starcraft 2, and then I'll continue to wait for Diablo 3 for my Blizzard fix, whilst playing my new favorite looting game Borderlands... With you no less

hehehehe BTW, it's been several days, and I'm climbing in levels...
Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 6:12 pm
by McNevin
I chose to "rent" SC2 before I bought, just to see if it was worth it. It looks amazing, but I don't want to buy it for the following reasons.
1.) Blizzard is trying to get away with the recent $59.95 PC game pricepoint trend. PC games cost $49.95, and I'm boycotting everything that goes over that!
2.) Only the Terran campaign is included, the Zerg and Protoss campaigns will both be separate "Expansions" wich will possibly cost $29.99 or more each. Yes the campaign is 26 missions long, which is only 4 less missions than the all missions of the original game, but it still seems like something is missing without campaign from the other races.
3.) Have to be logged in to battle net to play single player. Can play offline as guest, but achievements are not available, and you cant play against the AI without logging in.
4.) No local LAN multi-player, must have account / Internet connection to play multi-player. Dead is the old Multiplayer Spawn-Install.
5.) The game requires activation, and constant re-activation.
Seems less like anti-piracy and more like money hungry jerkismn to me...
Good luck selling as many copies as the original.
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:27 am
by R3C
I'm sure it will sell like crazy, but I'm not having any of it. They'll do this crap with D3 too. I don't think I could resist that one though, so they may have me there... With D3 though, I think I'll get $60 worth out of it easily, so I'll actually make $1.
With the amount of times I've bought D1 and D2, I've probably paid $60+ for each anyway...
Still sucks though. I can't believe they (Actischwank/IW) won't drop the price on MW2 either... fucktards!
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 12:31 am
by R3C
On a lighter note, I picked up Monkey Island (enhanced and talkie new release (like the others,) for my iPod. It's fun. Daughter #1 is also playing Day of the Tentacle in SCUMMVM right now, and is totally glued to it.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 1:52 pm
by N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
How depressing...will have to wait until there is a SC2 battlechest for $19.95 with all the races...greedy bastards!
will still buy D3 of course...
Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2010 6:01 pm
by R3C
How are things over in Slamaham anyway?
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:27 am
by McNevin
I just checked the forward radar for games. There is a barrage of 59.99 games on the horizon. If Activision is going to get away with it, so is Ubisoft.
Posted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:26 pm
by R3C
That's funny, I don't like Ubi or Acti for the most part anymore anyway.
The funniest part is that I like EA more than both these days... Imagine that... 2K is ok too. I imagine they'll all fall in line at that price sooner or later though. Thing is, I'll just wait for sales. I'm no longer ravenous for new games, I can wait as long as it takes for a price drop.
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 11:10 am
by McNevin
Me too. I'm still waiting out AVP. I love the steam waiting game, and sale sprees.
Posted: Mon Aug 02, 2010 1:41 pm
by R3C
It's actually kind of fun, like game speculation