... on-control
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Wii U
Moderator: enderzero
To me, it looks like:
Decent power in small box, HD output to main screen, streams games to controller screen for play anywhere nearby. You could play in another room if you like. The screen can also be used for in-game elements, or to play games completely separate from the system. (though likely much simpler games, as I doubt they want to step on their other portables)
I'm mostly excited by Nintendo first party games in HD. (which I already have using Dolphin for Wii/GC games, but it is a little flakier than using the real hardware)
The controller is cool. I might finally be able to play an Aliens game with a motion tracker in my hand
pmp - pmp - pmp - pmp pmp pmppmpmpmpmpmpmpmpmpp Gearbox said they're researching the hardware and will possibly put Aliens Colonial Marines on it.
There's always something odd about a Nintendo system these days, but it looks cool to me.
Decent power in small box, HD output to main screen, streams games to controller screen for play anywhere nearby. You could play in another room if you like. The screen can also be used for in-game elements, or to play games completely separate from the system. (though likely much simpler games, as I doubt they want to step on their other portables)
I'm mostly excited by Nintendo first party games in HD. (which I already have using Dolphin for Wii/GC games, but it is a little flakier than using the real hardware)
The controller is cool. I might finally be able to play an Aliens game with a motion tracker in my hand

There's always something odd about a Nintendo system these days, but it looks cool to me.