OFF TOPIC FORUM - Full support for tomfoolery, zaniness, and other forms of monkery. One line posts and ambiguous titles are welcome. Get your Haw Flakes in here.
Thanks. They were on the brown dirt of Sidney, so I did a quick flood-fill. (Not to mention the point value floating in the air near him because he just punched the red guy silly.) It may be a good idea to modify it further. Maybe some black J3RK text across the top.
I've decided to go ahead and use PS3.0 or PS4.0 (Whichever is on the infamous McNevinFBI disc) It suits my needs. I suppose if someone handed me a CS disc I'd install it, but you know. I suffer from Sethitis when it comes to imaging programs. (Though if I'm not mistaken, he usually has up to date imaging programs.)
Actually, neither of those are PS2.5. PS2.5 should be called PS-Master Edition. So simple, so easy, so nice for pixel art. I'm not saying fancy new interfaces and features aren't cool, but for someone like me, the simpler the drawing program, the better. (Unless it's Paint.)
I'd be happy to use a Windows version of Deluxe Paint, if such a thing existed.
I wish I could find a brand-new unopened box Koala Pad. You can build a parallel interface for the digital joysticks and other game port C64 stuff. (Like the Koala Pad.) I would totally use that and do C64 art. That was so fun! I love Koala Paint. Move to the bottom of the pad, click the button, swap to the tools page, select tool, then swap back to the drawing space. I also like working within the 16 color limitation. I get more creative (at least with visual mediums) when I have strict limits imposed like that. That's why I used to like doing ANSIs so much in TheDraw. I have a copy of that too. I should start doing ANSIs and post them on here.
Might be kinda wacky to set up though. I don't remember all the other ones. It needs to be one that the warezies used to use though. They support more ANSI, and other wacky fun. I want Lemonade Stand and Trade Wars on it too. WOOO DOOR GAMES WOOO...
You should hook up your Super NES and go out and buy Mario Paint complete with the mouse AND mousepad. Then you could create sprites and animate them and create music using your favorite mario characters as notes. Only problem: no output. But everytime you wanted to show off your work you could just hook up ye ol snes and fire up the gallery.