Just dumped a bunch of new BBCodes in. Some I previously added like:
[ youtube ] (use video id)
[ soundcloud ]
[ spoiler ]
Newly added:
[ speedtest ] (add speedtest.net ID)
[ ascii ] (supposedly better for ascii art but I always used [ code ]
[ nturl ] (appends target=_blank to links so they open in a new tab)
[ s ] (strikethru)
[ steam=X ] (X= steam ID for game link - no need to close)
[ audio ] [ video ] [ media ] (Add in full URL)
These are all by the same author for added media embedding support. Media is supposed to combine the 2 but YMMV.
Audio - Currently the following audio services are supported:
soundcloud.com - the page URL and the URL from embed code
promodj.com - the track URL, the download URL and the URL from embed code
oga, ogg, mp3, m4a audio files via HTML5 <audio>
Video - Currently the following video services are supported:
youtube.com (youtu.be) - playlists are also supported
webm, ogv and mp4 files via HTML5 <video>
Media - This version supports the following media services:
youtube.com, vimeo.com and all the other video services from phpBB [video]
soundcloud.com, promodj.com and all the other audio services from phpBB [audio]
maps.google.com (maps, panoramas)
dermandar.com (panoramas)