OFF TOPIC FORUM - Full support for tomfoolery, zaniness, and other forms of monkery. One line posts and ambiguous titles are welcome. Get your Haw Flakes in here.
I voted for removing the flavor... I'm down with the whole "intarweb" switch, but when i see wut, i get sick.. I hate WUT, wut... ahhh why! no! so stupid.
Ok, read the browser post in this form again. Tell me why it is that you admitted that it was not an optimal read. Why should I bother using punctuation or spelling anything right at all? Like I said, if I want to inject that into my own post, then I will. It's not that I don't appreciate that humor, it's that I don't like it forced into a post that it isn't intended to be in. It is also really annoying to read a long post with those "words" in it. My brain doesn't like seeing those. I think the poll has spoken. I think it should be removed.
I've got it! Since J3RK is the one that is obviously so vocal about his intense hatred for all thing flavorful, I'll make him a deal.
You install, use, and give Firefox a real chance, and I'll remove teh flava. As a sign of my goodwill I will remove "wat" when you agree to this. Then once you have installed and configured ff, just have choki come over and verify, and manual it will be. But no installing just for the prize. You have to give it a real chance. If you can explain why IE is a better browser after a real sporting try, then we'll all except that.
Thank you!!! I do enjoy forum-speak humor, it's just really distracting when it's everywhere. As it is in its natural form on lame-o-forums. Sorry to have been such an opponent, but it really was distracting to the point of effecting my enjoyment of the board.
Manual flavanoidz r teh flexibilitorZ tho. If j00 wantz to be leetz then j00 must inj3x0r your own mastar flavarZ...
On the other hand, some of us like to read English better. Especially for long posts, where forum-flavor is too much work to read. I'm not saying it's super hard to grasp, but it doesn't flow through the optic nerve the way a much more, ingrained, language does.