In Ohio, there were problems in four counties and one city.
In Howard County, a judge ruled on Election Day that everyone standing in line to vote at 7:30 p.m. had to eventually be allowed inside.
The order said the ruling was good for the day of Nov. 2. (You can view the order at the website below.) But maybe it didn't occur to the judge that everybody might not make it inside by midnight.
At the stroke of midnight, when the calendar legally clicked over to Nov. 3, Republican Ken Blackwell, the secretary of state, told all the waiting voters to go home. His workers gave them paper ballots (i.e., provisional ballots), told them to fill them out and bring them back later.
It was an improvised move that undercut the intent of the judge's ruling, and created chaos. Many people in Howard County still haven't turned in those ballots because they don't know where to take them or what the deadline is.
The only kind of ballot in a federal election that people can legally take home, fill out and turn in later is an absentee ballot, and those are marked as such. They're marked with clear rules concerning deadlines, postmarking, and so on.
So an uncounted number of people in Howard County--estimated in the thousands-- couldn't get in and were turned away with what may be ruled an illegal procedure. The vast majority of those votes wre expected to go to Kerry based on the heavily Democratic population of Howard County.
The Democrats have filed a lawsuit. You can click on the Ohio State University law school website to read about it:
Meanwhile, in Warren County, election officials locked the doors to the County building and refused to allow bi-partisan observers to watch the vote-count. They also denied access to the AP reporter (it is standard procedure for the AP to observe vote-counting in counties all over the country.)
The Sheriff of the county said he did it for "homeland security" reasons. He never explained or specified what the security concerns were.
Here is the link to the story in the Cincinnati Enquirer:
Meanwhile, in a Columbus suburb called Gahanna, the same problem showed up with electronic machines that we saw in Florida: more votes were cast than there were voters to cast them. In this case, however, the problem was investigated and the extra 3,893 votes were shown to have been erroneously tallied for Bush.
Here is the link to the story on the Ohio Network News:
Meanwhile, in Mahoning and Mercer Counties, electronic machines again malfunctioned, but the effect that had on the vote count is not clear. The machines had to be re-set, and at one point showed votes of "negative 25 million," according to the head of the local board of elections.
Here is the story from the local Youngstown paper, called the Vindicator:
In Laporte County, electronic voting machines once again appear to have failed.
They tallied results for 22,200 voters, even though there are 79,000 registered voters in LaPorte County. Assuming the county actually had a 65% turnout rate (comparable to others in the area and its own track record), that means 29,000 votes were not counted.
Here is the link to the story in the Michigan City News-Dispatch:
This is one of several states where original exit polls (interviews with voters as they are leaving) do not jive with the results produced by electronic voting machines. I was told by an administrator at Bev Harris's group, called BlackBoxVoting (more on this below) that they are urging Ralph Nader to press for a recount in New Hampshire. Nader was on the ballot there, so he is in a good position to ask for a re-count. You can read about Harris and her work at
In at least six states, there was a large difference between how people said they'd voted, and how officials said they'd voted.
In Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, New Hampshire and New Mexico, there was a large discrepancy between what voters said in the original exit polls, and the final results claimed by election officials.
In each of those six states, electronic voting machines were used in some or most of the counties.
In contrast, in states where paper ballots were the primary method of voting, there was little or no discrepancy between original exit polls and
official results.
To see an easily viewable graph of this data, go to
That graph was originally compiled by a website affiliated with The Raw Story, which often gets quoted in the major dailies. So far as I know, it's
a reputable site.
You can see their original posting here:
These are routinely conducted in elections by major news organizations. Accounts are surfacing that both the Associated Press and CNN (and perhaps others) later CHANGED their exit polling data to more closely resemble the official results.
So far as I know, none of the news orgs has offered an explanation. They may try to justify it on statistical grounds.
Here are two accounts. The first is very brief, the second is in-depth:
Here is an except from the Moderate Independent website about Bev Harris's work. She is a freelance journalist who has been documenting how unreliable the machines are, and how vulnerable they are to tampering.
"Bev Harris, author of Black Box Voting and the BlackBoxVoting.org website, has documented numerous cases of electronic disasters. One occurred in Volusia County, Fla., in 2000 in which county election officials hand recounted more than 184,000 paper ballots used to feed the computerized system, after the central ballot-counting computer showed a Socialist Party candidate receiving more than 9,000 votes and Al Gore getting minus 19,000.
Another 4,000 votes were received for Bush that should not have been there.
"Election officials eventually tallied Gore beating Bush by 97,063 votes to 82,214. But the wrong numbers had already been sent to the media, which were used by FOX and other networks to erroneously call the election for Bush and swing the public relations part of the recount battle in his favor."
I urge you to get familiar with Harris and her work as quickly as possible.
Three Members of Congress Have Asked the GAO to Investigate the Election
Three Congressmen have asked the General Accounting Office, a federal agency, to investigate the election, citing questionable results in Ohio, Florida, North Carolina and California. Click here to see their letter to the GAO:
Remember These Four Points:
-- Bush's approval numbers were consistently below 50% throughout the campaign.
-- New Democratic registrations in Ohio were 10 times that of Republicans, and in Florida, Democrats held a similar but somewhat smaller advantage.
-- All the polls that were still giving Bush leads after the debates were within the margin of error, and when the undecideds started making up their minds over the last weekend, Kerry's poll numbers were surging.
-- the $10 million exit-poll system, specifically designed not to fail this
time, clearly showed, in the original reports, a Kerry victory.
Other Voices to Hear:
Other people besides me and the journalists I know are beginning to
question the legitimacy of the election. Here are some of them:
http://americablog.blogspot.com/arc...036269481 5839
Here is a report of voter complaints in 7 Southern states:
Again, I urge you to realize that there may still be time to do something
about this before the Electoral College meets on December 13th.
The first step is to educate ourselves. The second step is to educate the mainstream media. The local and regional press, and the alternative media, have been doing their jobs; now we need the national press to do its job, too.
If you are concerned about this election being stolen, please do two things:
1) Send your concerns to everyone you know, both inside and outside the United States.
2) Send your concerns to the major news organizations.