So I came across this interesting little web game you can play in your spare time. It's called Nation States. I don't know if anyone has heard of it or is already playing but I highly recommend it to those of you interested in politics. Its not incredibly realistic, but it is fun. The weblink is:
You can just go there and start a nation. If you do join and you are left leaning, I have a region called the Triumvorate of Social Justice I recommend moving to. My nation founded it. My nation is called The Allied States of Socially Fair America. We are characterized by the UN as a left-wing Utopia.
No one, eh? Well just in case you have no idea what this is, let me provide an explanation:
NationStates is a free nation simulation game. Build a nation and run it according to your own warped political ideals. Create a Utopian paradise for society's less fortunate or a totalitarian corporate police state. Care for your people or deliberately oppress them. Join the United Nations or remain a rogue state. It's really up to you.
You create a nation based upon some question of political leaning, and then vote on issues daily to decide the future of your country. Issues range from whether or not to destroy your rainforests to whether or not to ban Harry Potter, etc.
Its quite fun and takes very little time and effort. I reccommend it to everyone. If you do decide to join in, drop me a line in this forum so I know. Then I will plague you endlessly with requests to join my region (assuming you are left-leaning that is).