Ok...so seriously what the fuck...I mean - holy crap...what is wrong with this guys brain? Why would you do something like this to yourself?
Full gallery of Ms. Nancy available here:
http://www.greggvalentino.net/index.cfm ... ectionID=4
l2icks0r!'s choice based on shock value:
Look at this...55lb dumbell curls - wow...uh...wait...I curl 50lbs...and I don't take bicep training seriously...What a POOOOSIE!!!
Oh what is this? a whopping 105lbs? Huh...when I would do barbell curls I would use this weight...he's as strong as an l2icks0r! Except he needs and extra 11" around his arms! POOOOOOOOSIE!!!!
Wow...now he is curling155lbs I am pretty sure...you go Nancy!
What beautiful symetry he has!!! Except...his right bicep is flat and his left is round...nice...
yeah... fuck you too Nancy...you POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSIE!!!!!