Well, it's not bad. It has TERRIBLE voice acting. I'm going to try turning off the speech tonight. The graphics are quite a bit better than the first game, but the textures are more or less the same size. They look really good when zoomed out, but when you zoom in, they don't look so good. The spell effects and water are the most improved. (Only because they're using DX9 shaders.) The interface is fairly similar, though a few things have changed. I've completed the first couple of tasks. I'm actually playing in multiplayer mode, so if anyone wants to join me, all I have to do is forward the port. I don't think there are separate maps for single and multi player this time. It also looks like you can load in other maps, so I'm going to grab Legends or Arana. I want to see if the first two games' maps will load into DS2. I haven't tried automating combat yet like I used to on DS1. I've been clicketing. (Because I am an official clicketor.) I even have a clicketing tool. SpiderMonX0r has used the clicketing tool. Everyone should have a clicketing tool. Everyone should be an official clicketor, clicketing clicketations. The clicketing tool is good practice for the clicketing required by this game when the combat automation is not on.
Anyway, it's worth playing. I may still pick up Guild Wars though (to play by myself.) It looks like the portion of the game that can be played solo is pretty cool, and probably worth the price alone. Also, since there are no monthly fees, my "no monthly fees" policy does not apply. I want TES:Oblivion damnit!
You don't even need a cloth map for the Ultima games. (And they are about as non-linear as it gets.) However, not having a cloth map when a cloth map is available is infuriating.
J3RK wrote: I may still pick up Guild Wars though (to play by myself.) It looks like the portion of the game that can be played solo is pretty cool, and probably worth the price alone. Also, since there are no monthly fees, my "no monthly fees" policy does not apply.
I totally recommend Guild Wars. I was playing FFXI but the monthly fees suck. Guild Wars is great and can even be played alone. If anybody picks up a copy let me know, I'll be down to party with ya.
McNevin: Teh Rixler gave me a full-boxed copy of DS2 yesterday. He said he was planning to get one for you and Choki as well, so we could all play. I'm currently using a Nature Magic sorceress type of thing. It's working out pretty well, though I just got killed in the Elven Shrine. Then I stopped playing. I think I might start over with a Combat Magic oriented character, and install the retail copy while I'm at it.
Evil Dan: I think I will be picking up Guild Wars, (possibly even today,) so I'll let you know after I get it, and get used to it a bit.
Well, GW is teh r0x0rZ!! Not like "that rocks!" but like "...the rock man got em..." Very cool game though. I'm out of the light happy beginning, and into the dark wasteland area. It's pretty difficult, but very fun. I've died about a billion times. It's like Diablo 2 with more plot-type quests, still lots of errand-boy stuff, and lots of battling. I don't do the PvP stuff. So, I'm basically playing it like a single player game, which is quite cool. Exactly what I was looking for.
My DS2 game is on hold for a little bit. Still up for some MP though.
Get GW and play it with me. It works VERY well, and no fees.
When you do, let me know. I need a human or two to go on a few difficult missions with me. Well, the missions themselves aren't so difficult, but they are starting to get longer, and further out, so I take a heavy beating wandering around by myself. The henchmen are ok, but if you lose your healer, you're pretty much done.
I also need to have some armor made. I don't have enough materials or money though yet, so I have to do the standard leveling and accumulation practice.
Rixler: Pick up Guild Wars immediately. You would like it. It's basically Diablo 2 with more stuff to do, better graphics, online possibilities, and no online-style fees. It's much easier to go wandering about by yourself, and then join up with others.
There better be a free DS2 waiting for me in December.
...I mean that would be nice. buddy
I got pretty far in DS1 - but then J3rks0r moved out and took his cloth map with him and it was just too difficult after that. I tried to download a new cloth map but the .weave file got corrupted.
For those interested in Guild Wars, we have a guild started called the Smart Criminals. If you are looking for some fun partying let me know. We use Skype to communicate when we play it makes things very easy. My skype name is evildan126. Drop me a line and we can play sometime. I'm a ranger in GW and we have a necro and a fighter.