Nice!! What's the serial number? I'll tell you how well it will work with a PassMe (pass through card that you can use to bypass protection) I ordered two things. I got an M3 (which is a GBA card that has a socket for compact flash cards) which comes with a PassMe card. Then I also pre-ordered (should be shipping next week,) an MK3, which is a fancier Passme that has an SD slot in it. The MK3 has a ton of cool options and features that the M3 does not. The thing is, if you want to play DS games currently, you have to have a storage medium in the GBA slot to boot the firmware. (Can't boot the FW from the DS slot.) What I'm slowly getting at is, when my MK3 Passme device shows up in a week or two, I may have an extra PassMe device laying around, that will either be VERY cheap or free for you. You'll still either need the old style linker for the GBA slot, or you'll need an M3. There are two versions of the M3, CF and SD. I got the CF because both versions still stick out of the GBA slot slightly, and the only other difference is that the SD one is slightly thinner. (doesn't really matter though since both stick out slightly) Functionally they are the same. Also, the M3 is WAY cheaper than the linkers for the GBA. (because it uses CF for the memory, and a standard CF reader for the PC side) My M3 shows up tomorrow.
The place to order these from is: ... d=gC77H5XY
$90 for the M3 adapter, a PassMe cart, and a bunch of other stuff. It has built-in emulators for popular consoles and portables, it plays movies and audio as well. Here is the official site:
Now, I don't think you'd have any reason to need the MK3 PassMe card, but just in case you want to check it out:
Since you can't boot from it, you still need something in the GBA slot, so you might as well go with the M3 since it includes everything you need.
Good information is found here:
This is the place to find info for emulators, flash cards, etc.
I've been researching the flash devices since they started showing up. The M3 (whether you get the CF version, or wait a few weeks for the SD version) is definitely the way to go. It's versatile, and since it uses CF/SD, you can have unlimited cheap storage (unlike a standard GBA linker cart.) There was some initial talk of slowdowns since CF is generally a bit slower than the NOR Flash that the GBA devices use, but everything is good now. They have a fast 4x DMA mode that reads faster, and if you use Ultra Flash cards: ... 4788421758 (like this one) there are no problems at all. Also remember that CF cards are measured in bytes whereas the GBA carts are measured in bits, so this 512MB card is the same as a 4Gb GBA cart (which doesn't even exist because it would be so expensive)
So anyway, in summary

get your ass to mars... umm... I mean, grab an M3 when you can. We'll be able to trade CF cards and do easy transfers when you get up here.