The Diablo III thread...
Moderator: enderzero
- Bill Drayton Jr.
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Re: D I A B L O 3 ! ! ! ! ! in 2 0 1 0!!!!
Umm...Make that February 2011...starterzero wrote:My official predictions for Diablo 3 are that it will be released February 2010...with five character classes and the D3 expansion to be released 12-13 months later as was the case with Hellfire and LOD. In fact LOD was released EXACTLY one year later to the day. Hellfire was about three weeks and a year after Diablo 1.
- Bill Drayton Jr.
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- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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How Blizzarre! I woke up this morning and the Blizzard site was the first site I went to just out of I don't know what reason and saw that the 5th and final character class had been released!!! I want one!!!!
Anyways, I also found some legal energy morsels that will help us stay up until we get psychotic playing Diablo 3!!! That are unlike anything I have ever tried. The closest thing experience I have had to methylhexanamine was modafinil but modafinil actually sucks because it put me into a weird anxious state and really didn't make me feel any noticeable stimulation. Methylhexanamine is amazing because you don't crash and can get to sleep without any problems. I just found a good supplement that has it in it, along with some other things I haven't ever ran across before, that gives the added benefit of making you very happy. I have no idea how it does it but it is very noticeable.
In summary, you take one pill on an empty stomach and the effects lasts all day. You never crash and you don't get jittery or develop anxiety but instead feel very happy, focused, motivated, and energetic. At the end of the day you won't have any problems getting to sleep. It's legal for now but it has been banned in New Zealand and it has been banned this year by the WADA under section S6 as a stimulant - so you know it works. As with any supplement the brand makes the biggest difference I have found a good one.
* If you have the chronic urge to play Diablo III while highly stimulated ask your doctor if methylhexanamine is right for you! CUTPD3WHS is a serious condition but when properly medicated sufferers of CUTPD3WHS can lead normal productive lives - just act Dr. Clouds0r!
Anyways, I also found some legal energy morsels that will help us stay up until we get psychotic playing Diablo 3!!! That are unlike anything I have ever tried. The closest thing experience I have had to methylhexanamine was modafinil but modafinil actually sucks because it put me into a weird anxious state and really didn't make me feel any noticeable stimulation. Methylhexanamine is amazing because you don't crash and can get to sleep without any problems. I just found a good supplement that has it in it, along with some other things I haven't ever ran across before, that gives the added benefit of making you very happy. I have no idea how it does it but it is very noticeable.
In summary, you take one pill on an empty stomach and the effects lasts all day. You never crash and you don't get jittery or develop anxiety but instead feel very happy, focused, motivated, and energetic. At the end of the day you won't have any problems getting to sleep. It's legal for now but it has been banned in New Zealand and it has been banned this year by the WADA under section S6 as a stimulant - so you know it works. As with any supplement the brand makes the biggest difference I have found a good one.
* If you have the chronic urge to play Diablo III while highly stimulated ask your doctor if methylhexanamine is right for you! CUTPD3WHS is a serious condition but when properly medicated sufferers of CUTPD3WHS can lead normal productive lives - just act Dr. Clouds0r!
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Will be announced at a later date....
Actually I may have gotten the date correct when I said February of 2011 because the third quarter earnings for Activision/Blizzard was reported November 4th 2010 and so the 4th quarter would be three months later on February 4th, 2011. According to "a leaked internal roadmap" Diablo ]I[ would be released then so I guess that means after 2/4/2011 but before 5/4/ yeah...clear your schedules during those months!
This thread was started 5 years, 10 months, and 2 weeks after the release of Diablo II and is 4 years, 7 months, 4 weeks, and 2 days old making today 10 years, 6 months, and 2 weeks since June 29, 2000...LOD was released exactly one year later on June 29, 2001.
It has been 14 years, 1 month, 1 week, and 6 days since Diablo was released and I'm betting we probably played it 3 month or so before then? so almost 14.5 years???? eeek.
Oh does anyone know if Deckard Cain has Diablo's cell number? Been kinda curious what the big guy has been up to these last years...
Actually I may have gotten the date correct when I said February of 2011 because the third quarter earnings for Activision/Blizzard was reported November 4th 2010 and so the 4th quarter would be three months later on February 4th, 2011. According to "a leaked internal roadmap" Diablo ]I[ would be released then so I guess that means after 2/4/2011 but before 5/4/ yeah...clear your schedules during those months!
This thread was started 5 years, 10 months, and 2 weeks after the release of Diablo II and is 4 years, 7 months, 4 weeks, and 2 days old making today 10 years, 6 months, and 2 weeks since June 29, 2000...LOD was released exactly one year later on June 29, 2001.
It has been 14 years, 1 month, 1 week, and 6 days since Diablo was released and I'm betting we probably played it 3 month or so before then? so almost 14.5 years???? eeek.
Oh does anyone know if Deckard Cain has Diablo's cell number? Been kinda curious what the big guy has been up to these last years...
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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I seriously think that we should seriously do something seriously serious like get togetherwise...something like the get together of all get togethers...the mother of all get togethers if you will!!!
I'm thinking get a big space with room for a few big projector screens and do it like that...but only for the hardcore...yeaaaah...
Renting a 1080p projector for the weekend would be about $150 but where would be a good place to project?
I'm thinking get a big space with room for a few big projector screens and do it like that...but only for the hardcore...yeaaaah...
Renting a 1080p projector for the weekend would be about $150 but where would be a good place to project?
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Electronic or a muthafriggin box???
I'm thinkin I want my box damnit!!!!
T'would probably be the last sort of thing I would lately associate with a video game these days...
Do they still do those stupid things where they let people buy the game at midnight after they've waited in some stupid line outside????
Maybe one monkey would buy a bunch of boxes if one monkey were to go buy a box...
T'would probably be the last sort of thing I would lately associate with a video game these days...
Do they still do those stupid things where they let people buy the game at midnight after they've waited in some stupid line outside????
Maybe one monkey would buy a bunch of boxes if one monkey were to go buy a box...
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Rent a crazy ass banquet room for the weekend at such a place as the Westin downtown.
Rent 3 to 4 1080p capable projectors
I got two sets of Mackies and could get a third from dear Sethro...
Get 3-4 monkeys to play D3, utilizing the latest energy morsels, till they either die or finish the game
T'would be pretty cool because the hotel would take care of all our needs, such as food etc..., to sustain finishing the game.
T'would be pretty damn cool....I say...
The problem with this plan is that it would probably cost around $2k to do so split 3 ways is still too $666
Rent 3 to 4 1080p capable projectors
I got two sets of Mackies and could get a third from dear Sethro...
Get 3-4 monkeys to play D3, utilizing the latest energy morsels, till they either die or finish the game
T'would be pretty cool because the hotel would take care of all our needs, such as food etc..., to sustain finishing the game.
T'would be pretty damn cool....I say...
The problem with this plan is that it would probably cost around $2k to do so split 3 ways is still too $666
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Plan B - variant A
Buy, with the intent to return, 2-3 42"-47" LCD 1080p capable TVs. (Either a gay ass Vizio or a decent LG from Costco)
As mentioned earlier I gots me two sets of Mackies and could get a third from dear Sethro...
Commandeer, for base of operations, either the great hall of l2icks0r! or castle ])uStroh and commence operation camp D3 until either D3 is finished (utilizing the latest energy morsels) or all monkey's have perished(possibly from utilizing too many energy morsels).
There is not too much issue with this plan other than the one time up front cost of temporarily acquiring big ass(gay if Vizio) LCD televisions and if the great hall of l2icks0r! is utilized the Mackies will have to undergo too much attenuation to be fully appreciated. So...Castle ])ustroh would be the coolest asset - possibly completely taking over, or at least semi-reconfiguring, the living room sector with all PCs, LCDs, Mackies, and monkeys.
In both locations the kitchen neighboring camp D3 we shall refer to as "the galley" which will supply tasty refreshments en passant to the "lou."
As mentioned earlier I gots me two sets of Mackies and could get a third from dear Sethro...
Commandeer, for base of operations, either the great hall of l2icks0r! or castle ])uStroh and commence operation camp D3 until either D3 is finished (utilizing the latest energy morsels) or all monkey's have perished(possibly from utilizing too many energy morsels).
There is not too much issue with this plan other than the one time up front cost of temporarily acquiring big ass(gay if Vizio) LCD televisions and if the great hall of l2icks0r! is utilized the Mackies will have to undergo too much attenuation to be fully appreciated. So...Castle ])ustroh would be the coolest asset - possibly completely taking over, or at least semi-reconfiguring, the living room sector with all PCs, LCDs, Mackies, and monkeys.
In both locations the kitchen neighboring camp D3 we shall refer to as "the galley" which will supply tasty refreshments en passant to the "lou."
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Plan B - variant B
Same as variant A but forgo the temporary LCD acquisition and employ LCDs currently in operation.
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Plan C!!!
Be totally fricken lame and acquire copies of D3 separately electronically and play from home semi synchronizing with other monkeys talking about how it would have been so much cooler to get together in person...(energy morsels not even needed in this scenario)
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Plan D!
Play D3 at your leisure by yourself or online with people you don't even know...get bored with the game and/or tell people you think the game sucks because there are too many bugs and the fricken thing doesn't work right with your video card and crashes all the time....then wait for some stupid patch that takes forever to be released and arrange a lack-luster semi-motivated return to attempt orchestrating a somewhat organized network play session...that is if there are no port forwarding problems etc...bleaaahh...
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Diablo ]I[ currently has a rating of 9.1 by 89 reviewers on EB Games...what does that mean??? Rating a game before you even see/hear/play it and it gets a 9.1...maybe if it were $49 instead of $59 it would get a higher review...ha...Imbeciles I say!!! 10 Friggin YEARS damnit!!!! Imbeciles!!!!!!!!!! GO WRITE A COMMENT ON YOUTUBE YOU VILE MALEVOLENT WRETCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Imbecile #1 - CaptKroth
l2eckluse: Hey CaptKroth! Nice to have you here to interview you!
CaptKroth: Ok. Hi?
l2eckluse: Ok so how about Diablo 3!!!! 10 years in the making! What do you think about it?
CaptKroth: I used to be really looking forward to this game. I forgot about Diablo 3 because it's been taking forever to come out and got really into The Witcher.
l2eckluse: Yeah! The Witcher! Yeah...I can see how you could get distracted by how amazing The Witcher is...Gotta love the horrid decimation of the suspension of disbelief the pirouette adds when you turn in that game!!!
CaptKroth: After seeing this again i want to play it, but the problem is... SUCH ALONG WAIT!
l2eckluse: I hear you about the wait!
CaptKroth: But the longer the wait, hopefully this means less defects. So i guess waiting isn't too bad.
l2eckluse: Yeah, I'm sure you won't be one of the ones that complains about the bugs later...I guess that is why you rated the game 8 out of 10 under lasting appeal? Yeah..the 8 out of 10 there too huh?...Yeah cuz Blizzard have done such a horrible job in the past it could just barely be above 70%+ now couldn't it...YOU IMBECILE!!!!
*l2eckluse assassinates CaptKroth...
CaptKroth: Ok. Hi?
l2eckluse: Ok so how about Diablo 3!!!! 10 years in the making! What do you think about it?
CaptKroth: I used to be really looking forward to this game. I forgot about Diablo 3 because it's been taking forever to come out and got really into The Witcher.
l2eckluse: Yeah! The Witcher! Yeah...I can see how you could get distracted by how amazing The Witcher is...Gotta love the horrid decimation of the suspension of disbelief the pirouette adds when you turn in that game!!!
CaptKroth: After seeing this again i want to play it, but the problem is... SUCH ALONG WAIT!
l2eckluse: I hear you about the wait!
CaptKroth: But the longer the wait, hopefully this means less defects. So i guess waiting isn't too bad.
l2eckluse: Yeah, I'm sure you won't be one of the ones that complains about the bugs later...I guess that is why you rated the game 8 out of 10 under lasting appeal? Yeah..the 8 out of 10 there too huh?...Yeah cuz Blizzard have done such a horrible job in the past it could just barely be above 70%+ now couldn't it...YOU IMBECILE!!!!
*l2eckluse assassinates CaptKroth...
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Genius #1 - Cerreden
l2eckluse: How about Diablo 3??!?!?!? I see you rated 10 out of 10 for everything but lasting appeal eh?
Cerreden: Well, I love every game Blizzard makes! I have played them all (Warcraft, Warcraft ll, Warcraft lll:Rein of Chaos, Warcraft lll:Frozen Throne, World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, Diablo ll and even Rock'n Roll Raceing) Well, I have one thing to say, Blizzard has never failed me, and the Diablos even in the 90's were outstanding!
l2eckluse: OUTSTANDING!!!
Cerreden: Well, I love every game Blizzard makes! I have played them all (Warcraft, Warcraft ll, Warcraft lll:Rein of Chaos, Warcraft lll:Frozen Throne, World of Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo, Diablo ll and even Rock'n Roll Raceing) Well, I have one thing to say, Blizzard has never failed me, and the Diablos even in the 90's were outstanding!
l2eckluse: OUTSTANDING!!!
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Genius #2 - MrWiggles
l2eckluse: So how about them Diablos!!!
MrWiggles: I've played the first and second Diablo games. The first one was great. The second was AMAZING. This one will be an epic game. The graphics are insane, the game play is amazing, and characters are powerful. I can't wait to get it.
l2eckluse: couldn't have said it better than that! GENIUS!!!
MrWiggles: I've played the first and second Diablo games. The first one was great. The second was AMAZING. This one will be an epic game. The graphics are insane, the game play is amazing, and characters are powerful. I can't wait to get it.
l2eckluse: couldn't have said it better than that! GENIUS!!!
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Imbecile #2 - Anon1948
l2eckluse: Sooo!!! Your thoughts on Diablo 3!!!!!!!
Anon1948: This looks to be a well-made and fun game. But Gamestop allows users to review games before they are even released. Just posting a poor review to balance out the users who post raving reviews for a game that has not been released.
l2eckluse: Um....yeah....
*l2eckluse harangues Anon1948 as he slowly lowers his body into acid strong enough to dissolve flesh and bone in 1.2 seconds while screaming 2.25 out of 10???? over and over again...for two minutes....
Anon1948: This looks to be a well-made and fun game. But Gamestop allows users to review games before they are even released. Just posting a poor review to balance out the users who post raving reviews for a game that has not been released.
l2eckluse: Um....yeah....
*l2eckluse harangues Anon1948 as he slowly lowers his body into acid strong enough to dissolve flesh and bone in 1.2 seconds while screaming 2.25 out of 10???? over and over again...for two minutes....
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Genius #3 - jeremy7670380
l2eckluse: You, your thoughts, and Diablo 3 please...
jeremy7670380: I refuse to preorder without a release date!!!! we have been waiting for this for so long that by the time it comes out i will probably be 40 yrs old.
l2eckluse: Ah crap!!! You may be onto something there!!! Wait...I've only got six months left!!!! Damn you!!!! Damn you to hell!!!!! BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*l2eckluse was about to kill jeremy7670380 but turned the other cheek as how can you argue with some one who gave 4 10 out of 10s...
jeremy7670380: I refuse to preorder without a release date!!!! we have been waiting for this for so long that by the time it comes out i will probably be 40 yrs old.
l2eckluse: Ah crap!!! You may be onto something there!!! Wait...I've only got six months left!!!! Damn you!!!! Damn you to hell!!!!! BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*l2eckluse was about to kill jeremy7670380 but turned the other cheek as how can you argue with some one who gave 4 10 out of 10s...
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Hyper enlightened #1 - Mush
l2eckluse: So how is your mind Mr. Mush? Give me your thoughts on Diablo three pleeeeze!
Mush: So i went to Blizzcon 2010 specifically to play this game and let me just say i was not let down. This game is going to be amazing. 96 billion different ways to customize each character in there skills. The New PvP system they created is great. Back in D2 they had no PvP system now they have match finders and a ladder specifically for PvP. U can dye your armor, lvl up your artistans , turn garbage loot into pieces to construct awesome weapons and armor. Blizzard may be taking forever to release this title but let them take their time because they are on the right track with making this game the best it can be. Ive been waiting for this game for years and now that its finally on the horizon I cant wait!!!!
*l2eckluse dances the Irish jig
Mush: So i went to Blizzcon 2010 specifically to play this game and let me just say i was not let down. This game is going to be amazing. 96 billion different ways to customize each character in there skills. The New PvP system they created is great. Back in D2 they had no PvP system now they have match finders and a ladder specifically for PvP. U can dye your armor, lvl up your artistans , turn garbage loot into pieces to construct awesome weapons and armor. Blizzard may be taking forever to release this title but let them take their time because they are on the right track with making this game the best it can be. Ive been waiting for this game for years and now that its finally on the horizon I cant wait!!!!
*l2eckluse dances the Irish jig
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Mega Genius #1 - Ninjasmurf09
l2eckluse: 4 10 out of 10s?!??! What say you!
Ninjasmurf09: I love blizzard games, and i would go as far as to say that they make PERFECT games. Now if they could just speed the process up a little XD. I am going to be a Wizzard. Cant wait, and everyone should by this game. If you dont an angry midget will kick you in the shin.
l2eckluse: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ninjasmurf09: I love blizzard games, and i would go as far as to say that they make PERFECT games. Now if they could just speed the process up a little XD. I am going to be a Wizzard. Cant wait, and everyone should by this game. If you dont an angry midget will kick you in the shin.
l2eckluse: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Addict dropout #1 - MikeRush
l2eckluse: Diablo 3 is coming out in the next few months!!!! Tell me your thoughts!!!????
MikeRush: Although I have been waiting for this game for years, I need to graduate college. That wont happen after this game comes out.
l2eckluse: Here MikeRush call these people - they can help you.
*l2eckluse hands MikeRush a pamphlet
MikeRush: Although I have been waiting for this game for years, I need to graduate college. That wont happen after this game comes out.
l2eckluse: Here MikeRush call these people - they can help you.
*l2eckluse hands MikeRush a pamphlet
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Canadian #1 - Sisterofthesea
l2eckluse: So hey! What say you about Diablo 3 Sisterofthesea!?!??!
Sisterofthesea: I'm so excited for this game to come out that I'm getting partial insomnia for the past .... when did they start announcing it again?
l2eckluse: You're getting partial what!?!? Blizzard really hasn't done that great of a job announcing anything really...I got my info from Wikipedia.
Sisterofthesea: The only reason I'm not pre-ordering is because the ship it on the release date and I can't play until a few days later when I receive it.
l2eckluse: YEAH! you and me both sister! Screw pre-ordering it!!!!
Sisterofthesea: Also, I need to upgrade my PC for it and I'm waiting for the specs before doing the upgrade. They could tell us at least an approximation of the requirements, they need those requirements to create and/or test the game after all! (the free space on the disk is not necessary for the moment, I will flush EVERYTHING that stops me from playing it!)
l2eckluse: Heh, I could probably UPgrade your box...
Sisterofthesea: Sure hope to get the Druid back...
l2eckluse: Oh yeah?
Sisterofthesea: I like being able to transform into different shapes and summoning spirits
l2eckluse: Well if I still drank I could let you summon some spirits for me...and I have something you could transform into a different shape...heh
Sisterofthesea: Heart of wolverine spirit is awesome!
l2eckluse: Why yes it is...yes it is...indeed...hehehe
Sisterofthesea: I'm so excited for this game to come out that I'm getting partial insomnia for the past .... when did they start announcing it again?
l2eckluse: You're getting partial what!?!? Blizzard really hasn't done that great of a job announcing anything really...I got my info from Wikipedia.
Sisterofthesea: The only reason I'm not pre-ordering is because the ship it on the release date and I can't play until a few days later when I receive it.
l2eckluse: YEAH! you and me both sister! Screw pre-ordering it!!!!
Sisterofthesea: Also, I need to upgrade my PC for it and I'm waiting for the specs before doing the upgrade. They could tell us at least an approximation of the requirements, they need those requirements to create and/or test the game after all! (the free space on the disk is not necessary for the moment, I will flush EVERYTHING that stops me from playing it!)
l2eckluse: Heh, I could probably UPgrade your box...
Sisterofthesea: Sure hope to get the Druid back...
l2eckluse: Oh yeah?
Sisterofthesea: I like being able to transform into different shapes and summoning spirits
l2eckluse: Well if I still drank I could let you summon some spirits for me...and I have something you could transform into a different shape...heh
Sisterofthesea: Heart of wolverine spirit is awesome!
l2eckluse: Why yes it is...yes it is...indeed...hehehe
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Enlightened #1 - Anonymous
l2eckluse: So...Diablo 3...whaaadaya know???
Anonymous: Me and my friend were in ventrillo and we were talking to some dude i forgot his name that worked for blizzard he said that they are working their butts off to get it out aroujd christmas but if they dont make it in time it might be late 2011 or right in january 2011
l2eckluse: I believe the correct word is "ASS" as in they have been "working their ASS off to get it out around Christmas." BUT...they won't make it in time...that is how game development works...Take however long you think it would take and double it - then add half of that and whatever that comes out to will be a deadline that won't be met because it will take longer than that...But it would be cool to get it out early January...heh, yeah...right...
Anonymous: Me and my friend were in ventrillo and we were talking to some dude i forgot his name that worked for blizzard he said that they are working their butts off to get it out aroujd christmas but if they dont make it in time it might be late 2011 or right in january 2011
l2eckluse: I believe the correct word is "ASS" as in they have been "working their ASS off to get it out around Christmas." BUT...they won't make it in time...that is how game development works...Take however long you think it would take and double it - then add half of that and whatever that comes out to will be a deadline that won't be met because it will take longer than that...But it would be cool to get it out early January...heh, yeah...right...
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Joe Dumbass #1 - ReaperAscendancy
l2eckluse: Hooray yeah Diablo 3 wooooo...Tell me what you think!
ReaperAscendancy: Listen, I just hope it is easier to set this one up on windows vista and 7.
l2eckluse: Yeah...cuz...the other two were so difficult to install for 0.1% of people...Man it must have been a tremendous fight for you to get it installed yeah?
ReaperAscendancy: I had to jump through hoops figurative and literal just to get Diablo 2 to play.
l2eckluse: Holy shit!!! That's crazy!!!
ReaperAscendancy: But now that I did, it was sooo worth it. I just can't wait for it.
l2eckluse: Yeah, I must have been a tremendous fight...literally even...
ReaperAscendancy: They need to pick a date so that way I will preorder 2 copies (one for my laptop and one for fiance's desktop). This game needs to come out. I just can't preorder yet without knowing the date.
l2eckluse: Oh yeah! everything just revolves around you doesn't it!!!! Look man game developers GAVE THEIR LIVES for this game!!!! PEOPLE DIED DURING THE MAKING!!!!! YES! THEY LITERALLY DIED!!! MOST ALL OF THEM DIED FIGURATIVELY AS WELL!!!! You think the game developers knew when the date when the game was going to be finished!?!?!? SOME OF THEM COULDN'T KEEP IT UP!!! THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS COULDN'T DO IT! SOME OF THEM DIED TOO!!!! THAT IS WHY THEY HAVE AN "IN MEMORY OF" SECTION IN THE BACK OF THE MANUAL!!!! ORDER FOUR FRIGGEN COPIES NOW YOU BASTARD!!!!!!
ReaperAscendancy: GS is saying the release date is December 2010 but they are still kind of clueless on it because Blizzard gave them little to no indication that it was correct.
*l2eckluse shakes head and figuratively dies...
ReaperAscendancy: Listen, I just hope it is easier to set this one up on windows vista and 7.
l2eckluse: Yeah...cuz...the other two were so difficult to install for 0.1% of people...Man it must have been a tremendous fight for you to get it installed yeah?
ReaperAscendancy: I had to jump through hoops figurative and literal just to get Diablo 2 to play.
l2eckluse: Holy shit!!! That's crazy!!!
ReaperAscendancy: But now that I did, it was sooo worth it. I just can't wait for it.
l2eckluse: Yeah, I must have been a tremendous fight...literally even...
ReaperAscendancy: They need to pick a date so that way I will preorder 2 copies (one for my laptop and one for fiance's desktop). This game needs to come out. I just can't preorder yet without knowing the date.
l2eckluse: Oh yeah! everything just revolves around you doesn't it!!!! Look man game developers GAVE THEIR LIVES for this game!!!! PEOPLE DIED DURING THE MAKING!!!!! YES! THEY LITERALLY DIED!!! MOST ALL OF THEM DIED FIGURATIVELY AS WELL!!!! You think the game developers knew when the date when the game was going to be finished!?!?!? SOME OF THEM COULDN'T KEEP IT UP!!! THEIR FAMILY MEMBERS COULDN'T DO IT! SOME OF THEM DIED TOO!!!! THAT IS WHY THEY HAVE AN "IN MEMORY OF" SECTION IN THE BACK OF THE MANUAL!!!! ORDER FOUR FRIGGEN COPIES NOW YOU BASTARD!!!!!!
ReaperAscendancy: GS is saying the release date is December 2010 but they are still kind of clueless on it because Blizzard gave them little to no indication that it was correct.
*l2eckluse shakes head and figuratively dies...
- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
- Hitching Post
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- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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- N3ur0n0saurusl2exs0r!!!
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Oh and...
I agree with McNevotron5,000k!!!!
McNevin wrote:A dual crossbow packing demon hunter is way better than an amazon!