I'm currently gathering Windows interpreters for SCI and AGI Sierra games. It will soon be possible to play all old Sierra in Windows. I may have to make a Quest for Glory compilation disc.
You are in luck...
Scumm actually works in windows, but the sound portion doesn't. There is a ScummVM package you can get that makes the sound work. I just downloaded the talkie versions of Fate of Atlantis, Day of the Tentacle, and Sam and Max. I couldn't wait to get DOTT from you. I have Sam and Max on CD, but now I don't have to use the CD. I don't know what happened to my Fate of Atlantis disc. I still have the cover for it. And it works for all the old ones too. Just search for ScummVM, or go to my new favorite site: http://vogons.zetafleet.com/
I recommend that for anyone trying to get old games to work on new OSes.
I recommend that for anyone trying to get old games to work on new OSes.
I have it...
I have the whole damned talkie set. They are actually quite small when zipped up. I'll try and remember where I got them and let you know. It was an FTP.
- Bill Drayton Jr.
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- McNevin
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Ok got Scumm working perfectly with sound / cd audio / talkie.
Here is my list of my scumm games:
(these all work perfectly)
Full Throttle [Talkie]
Indiana Jones 3 - The Last Crusade 256
Indiana Jones 4 - Fate of Atlantis 256 [Talkie]
Maniac Mansion
Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2
Zak McKracken
Zak McCracken 256 (FM Towns)
Here is my list of my scumm games:
(these all work perfectly)
Full Throttle [Talkie]
Indiana Jones 3 - The Last Crusade 256
Indiana Jones 4 - Fate of Atlantis 256 [Talkie]
Maniac Mansion
Monkey Island
Monkey Island 2
Zak McKracken
Zak McCracken 256 (FM Towns)

I lost the damned cd that I put all those talkies on! I don't remember what the ftp was either. This sucks! I have the original Sam and Max CD, but I don't have Fate of Atlantis, or Day of the Tentacle. Suxors! Gotta see if I can find them. McNevin: If you're setting aside stuff to eventually send up, could you add those two to the list? Thanx0rs!! 

- spidermonkey
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That is excellent news Admiral. I doubt I have anything that you need, but if you're looking for something that I might be able to pull off the ol' Usenet for you, I'll send it down. So is SM2 worse gameplay-wise? Because if the graphics are better, that's pretty much all that matter. I won't be doing much actual playing, just swinging around the city.
I've got Windows engines for almost the whole Ultima series now. Pentagram is getting better every day too. They just implemented the combat system (though it needs some work.) I can't wait to play Ultima 8 in all of its enhanced engine glory. I got one called NuVIe that is a nice Windows engine for Ultima 6. I'll be playing that soon. Perhaps I'll compile a nice disc for these when I'm done, and it will be The Ultima(te) Collection [TEE HEE HEE]

I don't remember who was on that one. There is a problem with the Usenet versions that I've been getting. They are 200MB mpeg files, that look like they were taken using a camcorder, pointed at a tv, that was running a bad VHS tape that recorded from bad cable reception (if that were possible.) They are just as entertaining, but terrible quality, especially for the size. How easy is it to convert WMVs to DIVX?
- McNevin
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Ok I have a lucas update...
I now have the following scumm games:
Beneath a Steel Sky [CD,Talkie] (Not lucas, but of same caliber)
Day of the Tentacle [CD,Talkie]
Full Throttle [CD,Talkie]
Indianna Jones - Fate of Atlantis [CD,Talkie]
Indianna Jones - Last Crucade [VGA]
Loom [VGA]
Maniac Mansion - [16 Color]
Maniac Mansion - [16 Color Enhanced]
Monkey Island 1 [CD Music]
Monkey Island 2
The Dig [CD,Talkie]
Zak McCracken [EGA]
Zak McCracken [VGA256,CD,Music]
I will have Sam & Max [CD,Talkie] as soon as it finishes downloading.
I think thats about everything.
I now have the following scumm games:
Beneath a Steel Sky [CD,Talkie] (Not lucas, but of same caliber)
Day of the Tentacle [CD,Talkie]
Full Throttle [CD,Talkie]
Indianna Jones - Fate of Atlantis [CD,Talkie]
Indianna Jones - Last Crucade [VGA]
Loom [VGA]
Maniac Mansion - [16 Color]
Maniac Mansion - [16 Color Enhanced]
Monkey Island 1 [CD Music]
Monkey Island 2
The Dig [CD,Talkie]
Zak McCracken [EGA]
Zak McCracken [VGA256,CD,Music]
I will have Sam & Max [CD,Talkie] as soon as it finishes downloading.
I think thats about everything.

That bad huh? Bleh... Oh well, bad Katz is better than no Katz.
We better start playing UT2004 before D3 hits. I probably won't touch it after that.
Oh, and I understood the first post about the difference between the Maniac Mansions. I was saying that I also have the enhanced one, but would probably play the unenhanced one, just because it's buil in to DOTT. And if I was already playing DOTT, I might as well wander into whosit's room and play it.
I've got a newspaper.
So you do.
Don't you want to catch up on the events of the Day?
Smack this old guy for me.
I don't feel like it.
Well stuff you then!
Stuff you too!
We better start playing UT2004 before D3 hits. I probably won't touch it after that.
Oh, and I understood the first post about the difference between the Maniac Mansions. I was saying that I also have the enhanced one, but would probably play the unenhanced one, just because it's buil in to DOTT. And if I was already playing DOTT, I might as well wander into whosit's room and play it.
I've got a newspaper.
So you do.
Don't you want to catch up on the events of the Day?
Smack this old guy for me.
I don't feel like it.
Well stuff you then!
Stuff you too!
- McNevin
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So for some reason sam and max has 4 cd audio tracks on it that the game doesnt use.
Well i found a use for them, aparently the music was written on a roland sound canvas sc-55 and those are direct recordings of a sound canvas.
Well i got "virtual sound canvas" and the title music in midi format and compaired the cd audio to the midi. Perfect. So then i remembered that the GS sound font built into xp is sampled directly from roland samples. I then unistalled virtual sound canvas, and switched to that.
Turn scummvm to use windows midi, and blamo sam and max sounds cd perfect.
Well i found a use for them, aparently the music was written on a roland sound canvas sc-55 and those are direct recordings of a sound canvas.
Well i got "virtual sound canvas" and the title music in midi format and compaired the cd audio to the midi. Perfect. So then i remembered that the GS sound font built into xp is sampled directly from roland samples. I then unistalled virtual sound canvas, and switched to that.
Turn scummvm to use windows midi, and blamo sam and max sounds cd perfect.

- McNevin
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As any true Indy fan knows, archeology has an answer for every question. And In fact, new theories about proto-gamer brain capacity have surfaced from recent discoveries. Examination of skulls unearthed from a site known to have once been the location of a "mall arcade" indicate that proto-gamers used an overly-developed "imagination" to compensate for poor graphics. This would explain how they were capable of staring at a 28 pixel stick figure for hours on end and visualize Indiana Jones in his trademarked fedora. It has also been theorized that if a proto-gamer were to see an X-Box version of today's Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb he would flee from it in terror, later to worship it as god, and eventually, offer up young virgins in human sacrifice.

- spidermonkey
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You forgot to give me the trace pen silly. Now how am I supposed to attempt to unlock the extra pipelines which lay dormant in my X800? The odds are very against me on this one, but I've already ripped the cooler off once, and scraped the necessary test points, so I might as well bridge them and see what happens. 

Hmmm, too many conjunctions in that last sentence. I'll be posting in SpeedRacernese soon if I'm not careful and eating candy in the back of Speed's car because ChimChim and I jumped in there when Pops wasn't looking but then we got stuck and couldnt get out until Speed realized that he left his wallet in the trunk when he went to buy liquor to get sauced up with because he's feeling somewhat depressed because he lost the big race!