I am out of the Renton ghetto crap hole apts by having moved 2.5 miles down the road near the water to a place that I didn't realize how cool it was until after moving in. Rent is actually cheaper here and we have more storage and no retarded ghetto neighbors.
It is the mother-in-law part of a $700k home near the waterfront. Lake Washington is about 300 yards or so from the back yard that has two big decks for our use. The bedroom is sunken down a bit and has a sliding glass door that provides a nice view of the water and lets in a good amount of natural light. My new office has a view of the water as well complete with a little bathroom and my portable air conditioner that probably won't be of much more use too much longer but is nice to have for now. The entry way and kitchen have marble floors as well as the main bathroom. There is gas heat and stove and everything is new and looks pretty good...anyway pictures are better...don't have much of the interior but who cares...
No just some blackberry bushes that we made some desserts from. The landlord is cool with letting us have a small garden but may be a bit late in the season for that.