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Mar 17, 2008

Black is the New President, Bitch!

I’ve been spreadin the love over SNL since they came back from the strike a few weeks back. I’m happy to say that after an off week last week with Amy Adams (maybe not her fault) they were back with guns firing this week with Jonah Hill. I’m definitely not saying that every sketch is a hit – but this is the zeit poppin off and there are some definite winners. Above is the clip from this week’s Weekend Update where Tracy Morgan takes a shot at Tina Fey’s pro Clinton mono from a few weeks back. Booosh.

Here are a few links to this week’s SNL. Check out the DigiShort and my other fave this week, the Country Music Commercial – Rocket Ships, Model-T Cars, Toddlers, and Jars of Beer.

…Notice that last one wasn’t a link. That is because NBC has been on the DMCA takedown warpath – pulling all their clips from YouTube. WTF!? Sure they might be losing some ad dollars from their site – but they don’t seem to be getting the fact that it is allowing people like me to email these clips around that gets twice as many people to tune in NEXT WEEK. The buzz around SNL 3 weeks ago (after Huckabee) was nutty – the next week they KILLED it with Clinton. But not allowing their clips online and not putting all the clips on their site is just backwards backwater bullshit thinking. Booooo.

Posted by enderzero at 8:13pm on Mar. 17, 2008    
Mar 14, 2008

Friday Vids

Van Damme seems to be everywhere right now (see last week). More about the movie. Unfortunately he is about the funniest thing around. Well, maybe I am out of the loop…

Hey readers! If you find a funny web video – send it my way… that way the weekly videos will actually be funny.

One more

Posted by enderzero at 9:50am on Mar. 14, 2008    
Mar 12, 2008

Good Times. Bad Times.


This is for Oliver, Gerrard, and Pettler.  Always good times guys (oh and some bad times apparently).

And also for all those awesome clichéd college posters (avail on amazon) and the many jokes to be made about them -  though these lists are missing the ubiquitous Pink Floyd Albums on Girls’ Backs.  Love it.

Posted by enderzero at 2:16pm on Mar. 12, 2008    
Mar 11, 2008

PicLens – Amazing Firefox Plugin


Thanks to Danz for pointing me to this amazing Firefox plugin by the folks at CoolIris.

The plugin lets you view photostreams from flickr, picasa, facebook, etc. in a full screen tactile interface that blows away anything I have seen like it. Load up the plugin, hit a flickr photostream, and click the play button that appears when you hover over the first image. Amazing!


Posted by enderzero at 3:49pm on Mar. 11, 2008    
Mar 10, 2008

Sasquatch! 2008


Two of the men above are the artists behind one of the most progressive alt.noise rock and roll bands playing music today – the other two are the goofy duo leading the Kiwi comedy.folk revolution happening across America (can you tell who is who?). What do they both have in common? They are both on the bill for this year’s Sasquatch Music Festival taking place at the Gorge Amphitheater this Memorial Day weekend.

Full Lineup:

Saturday, May 24th
R.E.M. / Modest Mouse / M.I.A. / The New Pornographers / The National / Ozomatli / Beirut / Dengue Fever / Fleet Foxes / The Breeders / Okkervil River / Crudo (featuring Mike Patton & Dan The Automator) / Destroyer / Dead Confederate / Grand Archives / David Bazan / Joshua Morrison / Vince Mira with the Roy Kay Trio / Throw Me The Statue / The Shaky Hands

Sunday, May 25th
The Cure / Death Cab For Cutie / Michael Franti & Spearhead / Blue Scholars / Cold War Kids / Tegan & Sara / Stephen Malkmus & The Jicks / The Kooks / Mates of State / Rogue Wave / White Rabbits / The Heavenly States / 65daysofstatic / Sera Cahoone / The Blakes / The Cops / J. Tillman / "Awesome"

Monday, May 26th
The Flaming Lips U.F.O. Show / The Mars Volta / Flight Of The Conchords / Rodrigo Y Gabriela / Built To Spill / The Hives / Matt Costa / Ghostland Observatory / Jamie Lidell / Battles / The Cave Singers / The Little Ones / Thao Nguyen with the Get Down Stay Down / Pela / Kinski / Dyme Def / Say Hi / Siberian

Pretty freakin amazing.  I bought my tickets – anyone else want to roll.

Cont. – More thoughts and pics of The Gorge

Posted by enderzero at 3:35pm on Mar. 10, 2008    
Mar 7, 2008

Friday in Funny

There Will Be Bud

Only a couple this week. Though everyone should probably be watching SNL as well.


Posted by enderzero at 5:45pm on Mar. 7, 2008    
Mar 5, 2008

Human Giant

Click here if your browser won’t show embedded video.

This was too funny to wait for the Friday round up.

Show premieres on MTV next Tuesday.  Check out their site for more.

Posted by enderzero at 5:23pm on Mar. 5, 2008    
Mar 4, 2008


South By Southwest Film and Music fest cranks up this Friday. Although I will not be attending, I took a quick look at the film lineup. A lot of good flicks – some of the best of Sundance, a few premieres, a ton of documentaries, and a whole lot of very indie films that fly under the radar. Here’s the full list and here’s what caught my eye:

American Teen Nanette Burstein’s docu about a group of high school seniors in Indiana was one of my favorite films at Sundance. The film raises interesting questions about the line between documentary and reality programming – but what really stands out is the incredible personalities of the kids Nanette follows. I am dying to find out what these kids do in their lives.

Nerdcore Rising A look into the hottest form of hip hop music (at least for nerdy white kids) and the movement’s figurehead, MC Frontalot.

Assassination of a High School President Another fave from Sundance, this hilarious high school genre mashup turned out much better (and funnier) than the script. It isn’t Brick, and it isn’t Rocket Science, but it is a pretty good flick.

Blip Festival: Reformat the Planet A docu about artists who use old videogame hardware to create new music.
Great Trailer

Lots more after the jump

Posted by enderzero at 4:11pm on Mar. 4, 2008    
Feb 29, 2008

I Support Barack Obama for President


So does Shepard Fairey.

Posted by enderzero at 4:58pm on Feb. 29, 2008    

Friday = Web Vid Weekly Roundup

What may become a semi regular feature around here, I’d like to bring you some of this week’s best/funniest/most popular web videos.

First is the DeLorean Dance Jam Ghost Ride the Whip.

See more of this week’s best after the jump…

Posted by enderzero at 12:39pm on Feb. 29, 2008    
Feb 28, 2008

Squeegees – live and hysterical


The hilarious new web series from the Handsome Donkey crew (check out Le Montage) is live at ABC. 2 episodes up already and they’re great.

From the site:

This hilarious new web comedy that follows the ups and downs of four buddies trying to make it in the rough and tumble world of high-rise window washing! It’s packed with high-flying stunts, steamy romance, hair-brained adventure and plenty of blood, vomit and nudity. Buckle your harness … this job is not for the faint of heart.

Congrats BC – you are an inspiration to all of us.


Posted by enderzero at 1:29pm on Feb. 28, 2008    
Feb 27, 2008

Garfield minus Garfied (= hilarity)

Garfield minus Garfield

From the site:

Who would have guessed that when you remove Garfield from the Garfield comic strips, the result is an even better comic about schizophrenia, bipolor disorder, and the empty desperation of modern life?

Link (thx ADK)

Posted by enderzero at 1:10pm on Feb. 27, 2008    



Great gallery of some hilarious FAILs.

Link (thx Oliver)

Posted by enderzero at 1:03pm on Feb. 27, 2008    
Feb 26, 2008

Top 10 Films of 2007

Top 3 films of 2007

I know there is an unwritten rule about not talking about last year’s films after the Oscars… but my site wasn’t done – so screw it. Here then are my top 3+7 films of 2007. Top 3 and next 7 in alphabetical order:

Top 3:

The Diving Bell and the Butterfly – Julian Schnabel, for all of his bizarre idiosyncracies as a person, has crafted a beautiful and innovative film unlike any other I’ve seen. It is, in my mind, the perfect marriage of art and cinema.

I’m Not There Pretty much everything Todd Haynes does pushes boundaries and it is no stretch to call this the most innovative biopic ever. Six actors play different aspects of Dylan’s personality that interweave but never interact. Cate Blanchett’s segments alone are enough to swoon over, but as a whole it coalesces into an incredibly dense and interesting piece of work. If you weren’t into it the first time (or if you were), see it again and I promise you’ll get a lot more out of it.

There Will Be Blood I don’t know what I can say that hasn’t already been covered by this Best Pic nom’d, Best Actor and Best Cinematography Oscar winning masterpiece by the brilliant Paul Thomas Anderson. Congrats.

Next 7:

A Mighty Heart Starting with a controversial pick, many derided director Michael Winterbottom for casting Angelina Jolie in a role overwhelmed by her star power. It didn’t bother me at all. I thought her performance was great and this film did plenty to keep Winterbottom amongst my very favorite directors.

Knocked Up Very rarely does a comedy come along that nails it as well as Judd Apatow’s fresh and hilarious movie does. With scenes and quotes that have already embedded themselves in our culture, this will be one of those movies I can watch over and over again for years to come.

Lars and the Real Girl This would be on the list even if I didn’t work for the company that made it. Gossling’s performance along with a fantastic (nom’d) screenplay and pitch perfect soundtrack make this one of the most touching films in a long time.

Margot at the Wedding Many people hated this film (even though very few even saw it), but I loved Baumbach’s biting dialog and stunningly realistic writing. Nicole Kidman, Jack Black, and Jennifer Jason Leigh each turn in some of the very best performances of their careers. I can’t be the only person who liked this way more than The Squid and the Whale.

No Country for Old Men Javier Bardem’s Anton Chigurh will certainly go down as one of the best screen villains ever. Sure the film leaves you feeling bleak and empty – but that is exactly what the Coens set out to do – and they succeeded wildly.

Rocket Science Smarter and funnier than Superbad, this very indie high school comedy is an incredibly well written and directed story about a kid with a stutter who joins the debate team to get a girl. Anna Kendrick does an amazing job as the love interest with more up her sleeve than the protagonist, played by Reece Thompson, knows he is in store for. This is Jeffrey Blitz’s first dramatic turn after directing the Oscar nom’d documentary Spellbound. I can’t wait to see what he does next.

Sunshine Danny Boyle’s sci-fi flick does a really impressive job of switching genres as the story unfolds. I was captivated by the filmmaking and amazed by the visuals. This must be seen on a big screen to really be appreciated – and my prediction is that it will be the kind of movie that will pop up in theaters every decade or so for the big cult following it will likely amass.

Now go out and see em all and let me know what you think.

Posted by enderzero at 5:13pm on Feb. 26, 2008    
Feb 25, 2008

Binary Solo

the robot

This has been a really long time coming. Thank you for your patience.

This site is built on WordPress, a great free piece of software for highly customizable blogs. I hope to use the site as a homepage, a weblog, a place to share all the funny shit we find on the web, etc. The site is all designed from scratch in fireworks and written by hand in css (thx to the early assist from che – w00t!). I have tried to do as much cross browser testing as possible, but things are bound to slip through. If you see any weird behavior or graphical glitches pls email them to me.

Explore the site (tho there’s not much yet). You can leave comments for any post. The forum is still up and running. I hope to do to a big update over there too someday soon.

Thanks for stopping by and please let me know what you think of the site.


Posted by enderzero at 11:59pm on Feb. 25, 2008