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Posts Tagged ‘Sports’

Dec 6, 2008

Avoiding Relegation

Seahawks Hurt

It’s about this time in the NFL season when you start hearing talk about playing for a high draft pick – aka LOSING. Bollocks! I say throw the bums out. For those not familiar, relegation is a concept employed mainly in European sports where the bottom few teams at the end of the season are sent to the MINOR LEAGUES and the top few teams of the lower league are promoted. Sounds great! At 2 and 10, and Seahawks would be tied for the bubble spot with the KC and the Rams (Cinci are 1-10-1 and poor Detroit is done for as they are still winless). Suddenly the Seahawks game next week at St. Louis seems a whole lot more important if you have to play to avoid being sent down next season. Relegated in the MLB this season would have been Tampa, Pittsburgh, and KC. If the NBA had employed relegation last season there would be no Heat, T.Wolves, or Seattle Sonics (aka Oklahoma City Thunder – oh how poetic).

I know, I know, none of the American leagues are built with multi-tiered systems like English soccer (which really speaks to the popularity of soccer) with the exception of the MLB farm system. Hey figure it out, promote the Phoenix Mercury.

On a related but more superstitious note, I bought a Seahawks hat at the beginning of this Season. I haven’t worn it since week 2. The last time I bought a piece of Seahawks merch? My Seahawks Starter jacket in 6th grade. That was 1992 and the Seahawks finished that season 2 and 14.

Posted by enderzero at 12:33pm on Dec. 6, 2008    
Sep 21, 2008

Downhill Craziness

Skip the first 2 mins and watch these fools fly.

Posted by enderzero at 9:25pm on Sep. 21, 2008    
Sep 10, 2008

WaterCube3D + MS Photosynth



Check out this awesome hi-res 3D View from inside the Watercube (actually from the top of the 10M platform). You can spin around, up and down in every direction while you listen to a few seconds of commentary from USA diver Thomas Finchum.

Do you think this sort of 3D thing is cool? Microsoft does. They have just released a web app specifically designed to allow you to create your own fully 3D image panos. Microsoft Photosynth is online (more info here) and allows you to upload your own images. I haven’t tried it out yet but plan to soon.

Originally from BGR

Posted by enderzero at 10:27am on Sep. 10, 2008    
Aug 5, 2008

XGames photoset


I was lucky enough to get hooked up with a pass (thx La) for the X Games this weekend and we nabbed an amazing spot on the deck for the Skateboard Superpark Comp. Check out the photoset on flickr.

Posted by enderzero at 7:05pm on Aug. 5, 2008    
Apr 27, 2008

Barry Obama’s got game

This great video on Obama’s true love – Basketball – is also available on HBO OnDemand (if you have such thing and prefer to watch on yer tube).

Posted by enderzero at 6:47pm on Apr. 27, 2008