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Mini-Review: Seven Pounds

Seven Pounds

The trailer and ad campaign for Gabriele Muccino’s Will Smith starrer is best described as enigmatic. The film is no different. Let this be a lesson in hierarchy of knowledge. If the characters know more than the audience, like in this case, then the film is a mystery. Mysteries need twists. If everything you expect to happen in a mystery happens exactly as you expect it to, you get an extremely disappointed audience. Consider me extremely disappointed. There is no reason to tell the story this way! It is actually a decent story with good acting and interesting characters. So why be so enigmatic? The decision to tell the story the way it is told in this film completely ruined the film. So ruined, in fact, that I would even go so far as to say this movie would have been better if it had been directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

Posted by enderzero at 6:06pm on Jan. 6, 2009