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WVotW – Presidential Campaign Edition


There is a horrible new trend happening all around us of amateur videographers making grotesque campaign videos to show their support for their candidates. I can’t imagine these are sanctioned by the candidates… unless they are really struggling in the press oversight department. Hillary’s is especially horrendous and absolutely serious.

There are a ton out there for Obama as well – this one is particularly bad. Man I hate iPhoto-esque slideshows set to music. How many transitions can you come up with?

Jay Jay French and Friends – I Want Barack

Barack you deserve better.

McCain Girls: Raining McCain

You gotta think the McCain one is so ridiculous they are just playing off the trend. But you never know…

Finally the best video goes to the brilliant mind that decided to take the Hillary4U&Me audio and attach it to what has to be a 2Girls1Cup reaction video. Brilliant.

Hillary4U&Me Reaction Video

There are a ton more out there. A ton. That is just a taste. A bitter disgusting taste.

Thanks to Seth for the tip offs.

Posted by enderzero at 4:02pm on Mar. 28, 2008