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Explaining the Credit Crisis

There has been a slew of media recently explaining the current credit crisis in layman’s terms (if a bit late guys). A few highlights are the This American Life/NPR News episode from a few weeks ago (a follow up to their great Giant Pool of Money show that aired last year – not as late I suppose) and a couple of articles from this month’s Wired.

The video above is a pretty neato visualized explanation from LA designer Jonathan Jarvis that does a nice job of explaining things pretty quickly.

Posted by enderzero at 10:11am on Mar. 17, 2009  

1 comment

  1. ADK says:

    Thanks for putting up this video. I’d heard the This American Life explanations and I had a pretty good handle on how it was all going down, but the visuals really help. Great video – shame it has to exist though…

    Mar. 18, 2009 at 9:12pm