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Thamel, Honk honk

Made it to bustling Kathmandu late last night. It actually wasn’t bustling at all – completely asleep when I landed. But there is a bit more bustle on the streets this morning with every motorbike honking its way through the narrow Thamel streets that make up this city.

Murr-dogg and I met Pasong Sherpa, our extremely friendly trip organizer who made sure all of our gear was in order and arranged for our trekking permits. We set off early tomorrow morning for Lukla and the first day of trekking! Not sure what kind of internet there will be but I have been told there will be access in the sherpa village of Namche Bazar. I’ll try to sign on from there before really going off the grid. Unfortunately, posting photos I have taken so far has proven too difficult.

In quick political news, Yahoo Politico has a good article summing up Rove’s and other Republican strategists’ admissions that if the election was to take place today, it would be all Obama. Mike Murphy (architect of McCain’s 2000 campaign) says:

It’s McCain’s barn that’s on fire. … Thirty days out, I think McCain can win. But the fact is, [if the] election were held today, he’d lose. And I think he’s on a losing path.

That is great, but I’ll reiterate my general sentiment – I should damn hope so!

Off to explore KTM! Namaste!

Posted by enderzero at 12:19am on Oct. 6, 2008