WVotW Sunday ed. – Gabe, Max, Bo, & Mario
Sorry the vids are late but I was waiting for them to fax me their internet addresses.
Sorry the vids are late but I was waiting for them to fax me their internet addresses.
The official Flight of the Conchords Album is out today. All the hits from Robots to Leggy Blonde, including cameos by the world famous Rhyme-nocerous and the Hip-hop-opotamus.
Only $10 on Amazon.
Jax at Pixeloo has “Untooned” a new shot of Jessica Rabbit (full size). Untooning is his process of using different reference photographs to make photo realistic versions of cartoon characters (you may have seen Homer and Mario). Here is a comparison shot of the Jessica work.
But what is really cool is he has just posted a video sped up showing his process. Very interesting to see how he does it.
(Thx to Oliver for the find …finally)
This weekend marks a big test for the Judd Apatow camp. His last two (produced) films (Drillbit Taylor and Walk Hard) were box office flops. Can the man with the comedy Midas touch gain a little cred back with a comedy that is more in the vain of mega hits Knocked Up and 40 Year Old Virgin? If it fails, don’t blame the quality (amazing 85% on RT) – blame this HORRIBLE ad campaign. Does anyone think this an effective campaign – black on white, no photos, no sign of stars? Walk Hard (much funnier than the credit it is given) also suffered from a horrible campaign. John C. Reilly’s shirtless chest and ugly mug didn’t make anyone want to go see what was probably the slapstick comedy of the year. And this… does the casual observer even know what this is for?
Where is Mila Kunis? Where is Kristen Bell? Does anyone disagree? Regardless, I am excited for the film (written by Jason Segel) and hope to check it out this weekend.
Someecards.com is awesome. Check out their plethora of sarcastic cards for any occasion.
There really may be no funnier act than people falling down. This guy certainly cracks up. It made America’s Funniest Home Videos a hit for years. What is our primal reaction to this act? Something about the action that makes us different from animals breaking down? I don’t know but I am on board. It is hilarious.
All this weekend from noon to 11pm there is a big anti-war festival happening at The Firehouse (map ) downtown.
LA vs WAR highlights the travesty of a senseless war now going into its 6th year, giving LA artists a platform to exercise their freedom of speech. Hundreds of artists representing our diverse communities unite in delivering a universal message of peace and understanding, and offering resistance and opposition to the US government’s war policies.
With print and graffiti exhibitions, live djs, film events, and plenty of anti-war info – this should be a pretty positive and interesting event.
Laurence Willmott from InsightOutsight has designed the perfect clock for those who deal in approximations.
“Nearly Four”
“Quarter Past Two”
“Half Gone Nine”
Good find ADK.
A family member once told me I am Welsh. Some small part of me at least and maybe my last name. I know almost nothing about Wales at all – but for some reason I have some Welsh pride.
Duffy is from Wales. She is blowin up in the Isles and has been makin a bit of noise over on this side very recently. She has definitely been getting the Amy Winehouse comparison (probably mostly because of her single ‘Mercy’) – but upon listening to more of her tracks I don’t think I agree. Her angelic voice and retro sound are fantastic and if that isn’t enough, she is a mega babe. My prediction – she’s gonna be huge.
Check out her set from KCRW’s Morning Becomes Eclectic at SXSW.
Mercy (US Version)
Mercy (Less exciting UK Vers.)
Photo by PaulJay
This pretty damn sick spec (not commissioned or paid for by the band) video for “Kids” by MGMT is by up and coming young director Jon Salmon. Props man this vid is dope …and what a great song to pick.
Check out the comments conversation. Is that foxy youngin singing along in the KISS getup with the ponytail a lass or a lad? You make the call…
(file photo)
From the AP:
PARIS – French health officials announced today that fourteen cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (commonly known as SARS) have been reported this week in outlying areas of Paris. Officials deny rumors that an outbreak similar to that seen in Hong Kong and other parts of Asia in the 2003 is imminent. However, sources close to the ministry of health report that travel restrictions could be in place by the end of the week. While no restrictions are official, the World Health Organization is advising unnecessary travel to Paris should be avoided.
Just posted a new Flickr Set from my camping trip a couple weeks ago to Jalama Beach. It is a beautiful spot about an hour past SB. Heading towards Lompoc you turn off right before the town and then drive through farms and ranches for about 30 mins before ending up on a perfect plot of beach with only the campground for miles in any direction. It is a bit chilly and windy in March but boy are the green hills beautiful. We set up a sick camp site right on the beach – perfect for enjoying the amazing sunsets.
Check out the shots and thanks to Addy and Goldie for makin the trip amazing.
The Metroid series of Nintendo games is one of the most successful and very best platform video games ever. Nintendo has succeeded at remaking the games on most of its systems, capturing the fantastic elements of action, exploration, and progression, all the while improving with age. A few years back they released a remake of the NES version called Zero Mission which took the original and added modern gameplay features. Well one ambitious Argentine has decided to make his own “Zero Mission” version of the 2nd Metroid, until now only available for the Gameboy.
When I contemplated the idea of a remake, I did the most obvious research first: Play the original again. I have to recognize, I kinda cheated. I played it on a Super GameBoy cartridge, instead of the original GameBoy. Most of the atmosphere and desperation was lost because of playing in a comfortable TV, just because batteries are really expensive here in Argentina.
His blog is a fascinating document of the process. He isn’t finished yet, but be sure I’ll be all over it when he does.
For a full chronology of the Metroid series, see the videos in this forum.enderzero.net thread.
Good lookin out Kevin.
There is a horrible new trend happening all around us of amateur videographers making grotesque campaign videos to show their support for their candidates. I can’t imagine these are sanctioned by the candidates… unless they are really struggling in the press oversight department. Hillary’s is especially horrendous and absolutely serious.
There are a ton out there for Obama as well – this one is particularly bad. Man I hate iPhoto-esque slideshows set to music. How many transitions can you come up with?
I am heading to Paris next week for 4 days. I’ve been once for a very short trip (did Louvre, Notre Dame) but am very excited for the chance to really explore the city.
Anyone been and have any insider tips? Great neighborhoods to check out, restaurants, sites, anything off the beaten path?
Any tips are appreciated – just drop em in the comments.
I promise I’ll bring a croissant to anyone who leaves a comment. Comment = Croissant – hey good deal right?
There is a pretty hilarious front page piece in this week’s The Onion entitled, “Black Guy Asks Nation For Change.”
According to witnesses, a loud black man approached a crowd of some 4,000 strangers in downtown Chicago Tuesday and made repeated demands for change.
It is estimated that, to date, the black man has asked every single person in the United States for change.
“I’ve already seen this guy four times today,” Chicago-area ad salesman Blake Gordon said. “Every time, it’s the same exact spiel. ‘I need change.’ ‘I want change.’ Why’s he so eager for all this change? What’s he going to do with it, anyway?”
Those who encountered the black man Tuesday said he engaged in erratic behavior, including pointing at random people in the crowd and desperately saying he needs their help, going up to complete strangers and hugging them, and angrily claiming that he is not looking for just a little bit of change, but rather a great deal of change, and that he wants it “right now.”
Is anyone offended by this? Of course it is satire – but even so is anyone out there a bit offended by the racial issues?
…I’m not. But why would I be? The real humor is that I actually do get an email prety much every day from the Obama campaign asking for money.
* * *
In other Obama news, Barack has announced that he will have an intimate dinner with 4 lucky donors selected at random from people who donate between now and Mar 31. Interesting idea – win a dinner with Obama. It does not seem to be evident where the dinner will take place and I can only assume winner will be responsible for getting to the location (odds on it is Pennsylvania). Anyone think he might see some backlash for this kind of move?
* * *
Finally – both Arianna Huffington and Bob Scheer had some really great things to say on last week’s episode of Left, Right and Center (radio) about Obama taking the higher ground and winning! This is in response to last week’s amazing “A More Perfect Union” speech addressing race (which everyone has already watched, right?). This week’s episode has a lot of the guest host annoyingly arguing with Tony, but to hear the two progressive voices very very happy with Obama and the nation’s reaction is quite heartening. Time to build some MOMENTUM!!
Lucky number 26! You think you can do better?
I knew all that Ninjitsu training would come in handy. Cat walk!!
howmanyfiveyearoldscouldyoutakeinafight.com (great url btw)
thx Jodi